The Wee School offers programs for children 2 ¾ to 6 years of age.
Our classes consist of free exploration time, story time, calendar, learning centers, small group instruction, snack time and recess.
Our class times are:
Preschool full days ( Tuesdays and Thursdays) 8:45-2:45 (12 hours)
Kinder prep full days ( Monday/Wednesday/Friday) 8:45-2:45 (18 hours)
5 full days 3-4 year old ( Monday thru Friday) 9:00-3:12 ( 31 hrs)
Before school 7:45-8:45 am
After School 3:00 -5:00 pm


Preschool 3-4 years old
This age is all about expression, form their own ideas and play while discovery and creating.
At the Wee School Preschool, your child will learn while making experiments, using art and play pretend, all the skills needed for the next milestone - KINDERGARTEN! Also, they will learn basic handwriting (tracing), numeracy and phonics will be introduced in this class.

Kinder prep 4-5 years old
The Wee School Preschool provides an introduction to the skills used in kindergarten.
We will focus on upper and lower case letters, letter sounds, reading readiness, writing, math concepts and much more. Children in this class will also have opportunities for creative play and experiential learning. Children leaving this class will be prepared for success in kindergarten.
